.vzp | Project | This file contains the Project Properties such as project name, author, description and 3D settings. |
.vzs | Scene | A Ventuz Scene contains all nodes of a scene, but no resources. |
.vpr | Presentation | The VPR is a stand alone presentation created with Ventuz Designer for being presented with Ventuz Presenter. |
.vza | Scene Archive | This file contains a single Scene along with the required resources. |
.vpa | Project Archive | This archive file contains an entire project including all resources. |
.vpt | Project Template | Same as a Project Archive, but used as a template for new projects. |
.vws | Designer Workspace | The file contains an exported Ventuz Designer Workspace that can be re-imported. |
.vzr | Repository | This internal file contains the all data representing the Repository. It references all .vrd files in the Data folder next to it. It is only accessible by Ventuz Designer. |
.vrd | Repository Data | These files represent the actual repository items. They're only accessible by Ventuz Designer. |
.vpo | Render To Disk Options | This file contains the saved Profile of the Render To Disk Feature. |
.vzm | Mesh | This file stores an import 3D geometry in a Ventuz specific format which allows to upload the data to the GPU without much processing. |
.vzt | Texture | This file stores an imported texture in a Ventuz specific format which allows to upload the data to the GPU without much processing. |
.vpath | Path Files | This file is created by importing a path trough the Cinema 4D Live Link |
.vzrig | Animation Rig | This vzrig file contains all the animation and skeletal informations provided by importing glTF files. |
.vcfg | Ventuz Config | This file contains the Ventuz Config consisting of Machine Configuration, Audio Video Configuration, Render Setups |
.avc | Audio Video Configuration | The Audio Video Configuration contains the configuration of IO devices. |
.vmc | Machine Configuration | This file is project independent that handles and configures all settings related to the Ventuz system |
.vrs | Render Setups | This file contains the Render Setup created in the Render Setup Editor. |
.vnetcfg | Network Configuration | This file contains the port numbers to be used for the Ventuz network protocols. |
.show | Show | This file contains the Show properties such as show name, Auto Templates and the reference to the Ventuz Project and the attendant Templates. |
.vpg | Page | This file consists of a reference to a Template and the saved Template Data. |
.playlist | Playlist | The Playlist is a list of Templates or Pages, |
.vtopo | Topology | This file contains a Topology that describes the environment Director controls. |
.dcfg | Application Settings | This file contains various options used to customize the application behavior. |