cfg | 19200 | .net remoting binary | TCP server | Remoting1, Remoting2 |
cfg | 4000 | TELNET / XML | TCP server | Vertigo/Miranda X-Media Suite |
cfg | 19201 | TELNET | TCP server | CLI, Command Line Interface |
cfg | 19230/19231 | OSC | UDP server /client | OSC Remoting |
vnetcfg | 19400 | OSC Slip-Mode | TCP server | Remoting4 |
cluster | 19300 | binary datagram | UDP | Cluster Clock |
cfg | 19299 | OSC | UDP Broadcast | Machine Signature (``) |
cfg | 3333 | OSC / TUIO 1.1 | UDP / UDP Multicast | External Touch Systems |
cluster | 19298 | OSC | UDP server/client | Input-Subsystem Communication |
19333 | Cluster nodes | UDP server/client | Cluster nodes | |
vmsvnetcfg | 19401 | TELNET | TCP server | Ventuz Machine Service (VMS) (Ventuz 4) |
vmsvnetcfg | 19402 | VMS Machine Discovery | UDP server/client | VMS Machine discovery (Ventuz 4) |
vmsvnetcfg | 19405 | TELNET | TCP server | Ventuz Machine Service (VMS) (Ventuz 5) |
vmsvnetcfg | 19406 | VMS Machine Discovery | UDP server/client | VMS Machine discovery (Ventuz 5) |
vmsvnetcfg | 19404 | HTTP | TCP server/client | Ventuz Machine Service 2 (VMS2) (Ventuz 5) |
vmsvnetcfg | 20405 | TELNET | TCP server | Ventuz Machine Service (VMS) |
vmsvnetcfg | 20406 | VMS Machine Discovery | UDP server/client | VMS Machine discovery |
vmsvnetcfg | 20404 | HTTP | TCP server/client | Ventuz Machine Service 2 (VMS2) |
cfg = Can be configured in Machine Configuration
cluster = Only if Ventuz Runtime operates in Cluster-Mode
vms = Ports used by Ventuz Machine Service (VMS).
vnetcfg = Ports can be configured in the configuration file NetworkConfig.vnetcfg in the directory C:\Users\Public\Documents\Ventuz5\Configuration.