Ventuz Designer and Runtime always guarantee Downwards Compatibility and thus are always able to load scenes and presentations created in former Ventuz versions.
However, if upgrading from one major Ventuz version to the next, there are some (breaking) changes in functionality and work-flow to be considered. These changes can be grouped in three categories:
Ventuz helps to find and resolve nodes in a scene that are removed, deprecated or changed for this version. The Scene Statistics' Issues Tab lists nodes that cause errors or issues. The same time, these nodes are marked in Hierarchy and Content Editor with a red or orange frame - depending on the error level. The node's tooltip gives a hint too.
Note that the issues differ whether the engine is in legacy or standard mode!
The context menu of the node - Click to open it - will show an Auto-Resolve Issue entry if Ventuz can resolve it automatically. This will replace the node with it's new version when possible. Auto-Resolve is usually possible for nodes that have a counterpart in the new version and are not bound to other nodes.
Since Ventuz 6.0 the folder locations and structures for settings, configurations and caches changed.
That's why the new version comes with a small utility located in the intallation folder: VentuzMigrationHelper.exe
This utility allows to copy all according files from the Ventuz 5 locations to the new Ventuz 6 folders.
On the first run of the Ventuz 6 installer this utility is started automatically and allows to select the items that should be copied.
When the migration has finished a report is presented. This report is located in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Ventuz6\Logs.
On every next installer run the utility checks if a migration already has been performed (by checking the existence of the migration report file) and does not show up anymore.
But it's possible to start this tool manually and perform a migration again.
Files and settings that can be migrated are e.g.:
Ths tool also allows UI-less operation if it is started with argument -noui.
With following startup options it' possible to specify which settings/files should be migrated:
-noui : start without UI
-all : migrate all settings/configs
-des : migrate Designer User Settings
-dir : migrate Director User Settings
-res : migrate Resolution Presets
-mc : migrate Machine Configurations
-id : migrate Custom SystemID
-vms : migrate VMS Settings
-rep : migrate Repositories
-lic : migrate SOFTWARE LICENSES
-fnt : migrate Fonts and Emojis Cache
-ow : overwrite existing files
These are nodes which do not work anymore as their functionality has been removed:
These are nodes which are not available in the Toolbox anymore but are still working when loaded from scenes created in a former Ventuz version:
In Ventuz Versions prior to Ventuz 6, there was a half-pixel offset that originated from DirectX9. To work in pixel dimensions and create perfectly aligned graphics, this had to be corrected by shifting the graphics half a pixel up and to the left. For Ventuz 6, the DirectX version was upgraded. DirectX11 does not introduce this offset anymore, thus the user does not have to care about it any longer. In reverse, this means scenes created in Ventuz 5 are now half a pixel off in Ventuz 6.
Asset URI's have to be in a valid format. In former Ventuz versions, the syntax was not checked very strictly. Especially the hostname could be non-valid. To assure compatibility when connecting to other technologies like javascript or python, asset URI's need a valid syntax.
assets://./path invalid assets:///path valid assets://host/path valid
With respect to this, Ventuz Director now creates Asset URI's different to former versions. Before, subfolders inside the Asset folder were used as host names. This could easily lead to invalid URI's when the folder contained non-valid charaters. Now, the host name is empty and the folder and subfolders are set as path.
assets://subfolder/file.xml before assets:///subfolder/file.xml now
The HLSL node is based on Microsofts Effect Framework. Unfortunately, DX9 shaders (shader model 1.0 to 3.0) will not run on DirectX11. The effect framework has been updated to version 11 so it generates shader model 5.0 shaders, as required for DirectX11. This introduces many incompatibilities with the HLSL source code in the HLSL node.
Here is an overview of what needs to be changed:
DirectX9 allowed to define position and normal as float4. The system would automatically set the w value of the position to 1.0 and the w value of the normal to 0 when the vertex format did only provide x, y and z. This will not happen in DX11:
In DirectX9 it was allowed to have the vertex format in the shader to be different than the vertex format of the vertex buffer. A conversion step was applied automatically. This is not allowed in DirectX11 anymore since it added overhead and complexity to the graphics pipeline.
Ventuz detects the required vertex format in a rather crude way by scanning the source for certain names, assuming these names are used as vertex shader semantics.
If your source contains the word "BINORMAL", we use
float4x4 Mat : WORLDVIEWPROJECTION; struct VS_INPUT { float3 Position : POSITION; float3 Normal : NORMAL; float3 Tangent : TANGENT; float3 Bitangent : BINORMAL; float2 Uv0 : TEXCOORD0; };
Otherwise, if your source contains the word "TANGENT", we use
float4x4 Mat : WORLDVIEWPROJECTION; struct VS_INPUT { float3 Position : POSITION; float3 Normal : NORMAL; float4 Tangent : TANGENT; // 'w' contains sign of bitangent float2 Uv0 : TEXCOORD0; };
You are supposed to calculate the Bitangent like this:
float3 bitangent = cross(Normal,*Tangent.w;
Otherwise, we use
float4x4 Mat : WORLDVIEWPROJECTION; struct VS_INPUT { float3 Position : POSITION; float3 Normal : NORMAL; float2 Uv0 : TEXCOORD0; };
Make sure you use one of these three templates.
DirectX9 allowed mismatching declarations of vertex shader outputs and pixel shader inputs. This causes additional overhead when matching vertex and pixel shaders. So in DirectX11, the pixel shader input variables, in type and semantics, must match the vertex shader output variables.
DirectX9 had a fixed mapping between 16 textures and 16 samplers. DirectX11 allows for 128 textures and 16 samplers, so it requires a variable mapping between textures and samplers. This is enforced by the effect compiler.
For every texture, you must provide a sampler that is bound to the texture.
Since we are now compiling for shader model 5.0, the technique keyword must be replaced by technique11 and the shader models must be updated from xs_3_0 to xs_5_0
In DirectX9, every state was set individually. This was very inefficient, so in DirectX11 state is divided into 3 state blocks:
Please consult the effect framework documentation on how to define and set these states.
A state cannot be set partial when changing one value (like the culling in the rasterization state), the whole state block has to be specified and set.
DirectX11 handles sampler states the same as the other state blocks, but we added code that allows partial update of the sampler state, with defaults taken from the sampler as set by Ventuz nodes.
Please note that many sampler state settings have changed in state and meaning. For instance, MinFilter, MagFilter and MipFilter are no longer set individually but at once in a single setting called Filter.
There are three ways textures and samplers can be bound to a shader:
It is recommended to use register keyword and set the texture with normal Ventuz nodes.
Shader Model 3.0 defined a couple of special semantics, like POSITION for vertex shader output and COLOR for pixel shader outputs. In Shader Model 5.0, these are called System Values and are all prefixed with SV_. POSITION changes to SV_Position and Color changes to SV_Target (yes, really). See the HLSL documentation for a full list of system values and how to translate them.
Since the compiler is used in compatibility mode, you need not use the old names, but we recommend it.
There is no official way to disassemble the shaders created by the Effect Framework 11.